Friday, 28 February 2014

MPG Night

thanks a lot to our beloved lecturer Madam Hafiza
and all part 4 OM student for making this event for us...
it was such an interesting night
we really really enjoy ourselves
siap mkn western lg...
nasib baik x hdp balik ayam kat pinggang...
whatever it is
i really enjoy myself there...

me, sha and Miss Safiah

Miss Shol, me n Madam Hafiza

With King of the Vintage Night

Bat, me and aten 
Camin n me.. 

bulat and me

hahaha... love hok x brapo nop jadi.. huhu

prasan lebih... hahahaha

Monday, 24 February 2014


my heart are quite scared right now
everything that she push 
make my heart become smaller n smaller
n of course it give me a fright...
Ya Allah...
semoga kau kuatkan lah
semangat n hatiku nie...
sbb aku rsa mcm hatiku
kecut dah sgt rsanya...
klu blh wat kuar ati nie
dah lama aku kuarkan dlu
n then wat msuk blik..
blh ke nak wat mcm tu..

Friday, 21 February 2014


tension sgguh aku ngan semut niee....
x leh nak ltk mknan sikit kat ats meja
confirm penuh semut jwbnya...
geram sgguh aku rsanya...
tlglah wahai semut
tlglah jgn naik kat ats meja nie
dah lah kat dlm btl minuman aku pun dia ada jgk...
benok doh lah aku nie jwbnya...

it's really scared me
i don't know how will i face it
on this coming July...
but i have to take it
if i don't take it
i can't further my study
so in order to apply for degree
i have to take muet...
hope everything went well
n hope that the question was not hard either...

Thursday, 20 February 2014


last night
was quite an interesting night for me
it really make my day
n also my mood
first time
i make myself copying another people
the truth is
i don't read
i just answering past year question
since that what my lecturer promise
in the end
it was quite sad
everything that i hope
was started falling down
one by one
it make me feel quite geram
he is lecturer 
so what can i do
others than
memberontak dlm hti
niat jht mulalah muncul


something that i never done before
last night
i finally did it
interesting right...
don't worry
be happy
cause all ur answer is safely
in one "sweet" place
i just feel like want to scream out loud
leave this place for good
i must admit that this last sem
was quite tough for me
i'm not really sure whether i can maintain my
pointer or not
it is quite a horrible sem for me
hope everything went well for me
after this...

to my beloved family n my home sweet home
i miss all of them so much
can't wait to go home

for now i just want to


and relax
cause next week
it will be very busy week for 

Saturday, 15 February 2014


last night at 5 o'clock in the morning i went to sleep
now i'm really sleepy but still having my breakfast
cause my stomach feel so so hungry
even though at 3 o'clock i was eating maggi
because i feel so so hungry too
nmpknya lps nie gemuk lah aku jwbnya...

people has a lot kind of behavior
sometimes i was wondering
is it wrong being forgive and forget person??
is it wrong being nice to people??
even we don't know that person will be nice to us or not
i am hoping that i can be a cheerful person
with a good and sincerely heart...
i'm tired of taking care of people heart
but i admit that i'm quite a sensitive person
but i can still manage my sensitive
from now on i was hoping to my
dearly beloved myself
to be happy
n have a cheerful life
without thinking about
something that will hurt u
or something that will never
mean anything to u...
please be happy lin..

Thursday, 13 February 2014


this week is quite a busy week for me...
mna tidaknya
nak bca ent lg lps tu law lg
dah lah test ent hari khamis
n test law plak ari rabu..
tension aku dibuatnya...
test law 4 chapter yg msuk
test ent 7 chapter yg msuk
mmg mggu nie adlh mggu yg
sgt2 stress...
after all
lps jgk aku wat 2 test tu
nak ckp aku blh wat tu mmg x sure lahh...
x thulah ape nak jdi kat aku sem nie
mcm x leh je nak still jdi dean list lagi
huhuhuhu.... :(

Alhamdulillah kelmarin ayh aku tlh slamat smpai
kat umh!!!!!
sedih rsa sbb x leh smbut my dad kat umhh
rndu nak jumpa diaa
klu x de modul mmg dah lma lah aku blik
but because of modul i have to stay here
actually i don't want to stay here anymore
i miss my home
my family
i just want to go home
after just passing such a nightmare week
but hmmm...
here i am
still in terengganu
i really hope that this sem will
end in happy n nicely...

something that i learn from the modul
that i attend this morning
u can't hoping people to be like u
because people are different...
u must learn to adapt with the environment
n situation
whether where u are...
and because of that
i understand
i can't hope that all person that i know
to be like somebody else..
we can't change people
we can try to adopt with situation
n environment...
tp kan
knplah problem ngan  mood ku ini
kjp ok
sometimes i feel i want to cry
kjp aku rsa mcm nak mrh
knplah agaknya
it make me tired with my own feeling

(# pic my father at Mekah)

Thursday, 6 February 2014


i have finish answering my admin quiz yesterday..
it was quite hard...
i'm answering it with what i'm understand about it
totally not remembering every word in the slide
hopefully it is enough for me
to get a better mark..
i really hope so...

Alhamdulillah my beloved father 
already arrived Mekah
prepare to perform 
saie n tawaf...
hope everything went well for my dad
i miss him so so much....

sometimes i'm quite confuse with myself...
don't know why
sometimes i'm just wondering
it there is something wrong with myself...
i'm feel little bit weird with myself
i don't know what is it...
Ya Allah
permudahkanlah p'jlnan hidupku di atas dunia nie
whatever happen
please keep my heart strong
please make heart peaceful n happy always
even whatever people say to me...
please just let my face can keep smiling
with a sincere smile
even whatever happen to me....
even if my heart getting hurt...
Engkau lbh mengetahui what is the best for me...
mostly important semoga sha cepat sembuh...

i really miss my friends, nik, mimi n meda....
i miss to talk to them
to laugh with them
i hoping that one day 
we all can be roommate...
it that possible...
whatever it is
i miss all of you so so so muchhh!!!!

my dad with che yah

my dad at Masjid Nabawi

Tuesday, 4 February 2014


wahai batuk...
bilalah nk baikk...
nak minum air sejuk pun ssh
klu minum nnt ada jgk yg x tido mlm jwbnya
wahai batukku yg tersyg
cptlah baik ye...

Alhamdulillah at least semlm lena jgk tidurku
even i still wake up just to pull my blanket...
so it is something good right...

hri nie just like always kls pgi
of course 
sleepy sleepy n sleepy
luckily my acc class cancel today
so i only have two classes for today..
so it quit ok
my bel class also finish early
it is good
cause i'm so sleepy
even now i still not sleep yet
just busying myself writing blog
tonight i need to read 3 chapter
for admin quiz tomorrow 
at 2 o'clock
wish me luck ok
hoping that the question is not too difficult 
i can answer it well
something for sure 
of course
i'm hoping that i can remember everything that 
i read this night...
so i wish all the best to myself...
FIGHTING!!!!! :)

Sunday, 2 February 2014


now i surely get some problem with myself..
i become too talkative...
since when i become like this...
mybe my roommate is of course surely get bored 
mybe annoyed with me
cause i become too talkative...
that's not good right..
so to my dearest dearest mouth
please stop talking too much...
it will destroy u..

when talking about love
i sometimes wondering....
how can they love someone 
for quite a long time
what exactly the feeling that they feel
to know that they are in love..
i'm just curious about it...
to fall in love with somebody right now
i guess 
it is not really a suitable time 
i just don't want to add my problem anymore
facing with my study problem
it is just enough for me...
but when a lot of people 
around me already had bf
so i just wondering what they feel 
sometimes what to have bf too
(tu org panggil gatal tu... huhuhu)
for now
finishing my study is much much much more important for me...
just now sakinah, my 2 pupu...
add me at fb...
she look so so pretty 
just like always
now study in law field...
i really happy for her
it really suit her... 
i hope that she will
success in her study...
the last time i see her
was when i in form 5 
if i not mistaken
mybe form 4
it really quite long time
not seeing her
she look great in the pic
look very happy
so hopefully everything
went well for her...



Alhamdulillah my father tlh slmt smpai kat lapangan terbang
madinah at 4 am (waktu malaysia)...
hopefully Allah permudahkan pjlnan my father kat tnh suci nnt..
i miss my dad so so so much..
first time my dad pergi jauh...
rndu sgt2 kat dia..
semoga dia sihat walafiat utk mengerjakan umrah...

mlm jumaat lps my family n i went to
my cousin's engagement...
g meminang tgh mlm lg... hehehehe...
what is the most happy thing is
i dah muat pkai bju kebaya nyonya i tu..
suka rsa hati..

blik uitm is the most most malas thing
but i have to come here whatever it is...
blik2 sini
lps tu dpt brita yg my friend, sha...
she is sick again n went back to kelantan just
this afternoon....
i feel so so so long not seeing her
not talk to her...
actually i miss her
n of course...
i'm so lonely
i'm really lonely without sha here
hope she getting well soon
n can come back to terengganu soon...

here is some picture at my cousin's engagement

me and my mom

family kedua2 blh bkl pengantin.. hehehe

me n my tunang cousin

me n my cousin

my tunang cousin with my sister

my mom with my cousin fiancee