this week is quite a busy week for me...
mna tidaknya
nak bca ent lg lps tu law lg
dah lah test ent hari khamis
n test law plak ari rabu..
tension aku dibuatnya...
test law 4 chapter yg msuk
test ent 7 chapter yg msuk
mmg mggu nie adlh mggu yg
sgt2 stress...
after all
lps jgk aku wat 2 test tu
nak ckp aku blh wat tu mmg x sure lahh...
x thulah ape nak jdi kat aku sem nie
mcm x leh je nak still jdi dean list lagi
huhuhuhu.... :(
Alhamdulillah kelmarin ayh aku tlh slamat smpai
kat umh!!!!!
sedih rsa sbb x leh smbut my dad kat umhh
rndu nak jumpa diaa
klu x de modul mmg dah lma lah aku blik
but because of modul i have to stay here
actually i don't want to stay here anymore
i miss my home
my family
i just want to go home
after just passing such a nightmare week
but hmmm...
here i am
still in terengganu
i really hope that this sem will
end in happy n nicely...
something that i learn from the modul
that i attend this morning
u can't hoping people to be like u
because people are different...
u must learn to adapt with the environment
n situation
whether where u are...
and because of that
i understand
i can't hope that all person that i know
to be like somebody else..
we can't change people
we can try to adopt with situation
n environment...
tp kan
knplah problem ngan mood ku ini
kjp ok
sometimes i feel i want to cry
kjp aku rsa mcm nak mrh
knplah agaknya
it make me tired with my own feeling
(# pic my father at Mekah)