Sunday 27 January 2013


hri nie the guy that i waiting for is online... i'm happy for it... for sure i'm pm him.. and he not reply and then i said he is sombong.... after that he replied and apologize and said he was tired.. he also said dia mmg sombong kan... i feel guilty for saying him sombong... and tomorrow i want to message him and told him i'm sorry and do not mean to say it... kwn aku ckp aku nmpk mcm gedik plak.. aku pun rsa mcm tu tp knp aku begini alangkah indahnya klu aku ada jwpan utk soalan itu... di fb aku hanya lihat sekejap online sekejap x... aku x thu ape yg sbnrnya yg aku rsa thdp dia... adkh aku btul2 suka padanya????? Ya Allah kuatkan lah imanku... berilah aku kekuatan utk lwn semua nie... jgn biarkan aku terperangkap dlm perasaan ini... berilah aku kekuatan ya Allah... jgn biarkan aku membuat sesuatu yg blh memalukan diri ku sendiri... tolonglah Ya Allah... jgn biarkan aku jdi begini... i already have a wonderful life... n i want to continue to be like that... :(


  1. linnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....wowwww!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hahaha....nothing. nnti kito jupo ni wajib wajib wajib cito psal laki ni. i'll be a loyal listener :) eheeekkk
