Monday 30 April 2012

1 may 2012

Is quite long time I dont post anything on my blog... I'm on a holiday now... I finally finished my first semester.... There are a lot of things happen in a first sem.... I made new friends..... My holiday will going to over soon... That make me afraid.... Can I finish my diploma there without any problem???? But the important is i'm not in a good mood today... I felt really sad... But I dont know why I felt like that.... Btw if anyone had watched autumn in my heart... I think you should try watching autumn in my heart in philipines version.. The title of the drama of course not autumn in my heart but it is endless love....


  1. hey hey my lin..dont be sad!
    ehehe...maybe kitaran hormon kot buat awk gitu...
    sbb tu xleh find the reason of the sadness.
    autumn in my heart bes keh!!
    hrmm..hok philipines tu nnti klu free sy tgk okeh..keep on writing!
    sy pembaco setiaaa..

    1. tq mimi for the advise... hehehehehe... autumn in my heart memang best... sy tak tahu plop awk baco blog sy... anyway thanks a lot mimi... n i miss u so much...

    2. hey sy pembace setiaaaa awk okeh! keep on writting...and i'll keep on reading..whehehee

  2. Ok2.... I will keep on writing... Hehe... Tq Mimi for reading my my blog...
